The power of Expectancy

Jesus said, “You have been given a teachable heart to perceive the secret, hidden mysteries of God’s kingdom realm. But to those who don’t have a listening heart, my words are merely stories. Even though they have eyes, they are blind to the true meaning of what I say, and even though they listen, they won’t receive full revelation. (Luke 8:10 TPT)

It is so easy to be drowned in the havok and waves of life. Sometimes we don’t even know how and when we will come out. However, the secret lays and is embedded in our hearts. Pharaoh couldn’t release the Isrealites due to his heart. The Bible said it had been hardened. Although, he could hear the declarations and the promises Moses was making. He couldn’t perceive the whole truth because his heart was grounded in the wrong place.

There are people reading this who God has been trying to be free however like Pharaoh your hearts are hardened. Yes you have seen the miracles, heard the testimonies and witnessed the good news. However, things still don’t work the way you believe or want them to go. Perhaps you have grounded your heart in your desires to the extend the word of God has now gone invisible in your life. Others have entered in God Given opportunities yet not seeing the expected results.

Likewise, we hear David saying create in me a clean heart, why? He understood the only way to perceive the secrets and mysteries of God was through his heart. The posture of your heart really matters. Hebrews 11:1 say “Now faith is…” The expected result of your faith travels through the channel of your heart. In Psalms we hear David say, “some trust in horse, some in chariots.” As you walk in this journey who is your heart trusting in?

The scripture at the beginning expresses the importance of the heart. Jesus here describes the kind of heart he was relating to in the parable in regards to the seeds and the ground. He doesn’t just call it a heart or red heart. No. Rather, he speaks of a “teachable heart.” Paul says count it all joy when persecuted. I believe this is a lesson he had learnt only through his heart yearning to know the answer to the concerns in his life. Yes, trial and tribulation were there however his heart reminded him of the love of Jesus. How Jesus had provided for him over and over again. Hence in Hebrews 12:2 he begs the church to fix their eyes on Jesus.

He was teaching them that when your heart is on Jesus be expectant of his great and marvellous wonders. Be expectant of a God who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above. However the secret layed in the heart. Its like David, in times of sorrow and distress we hear him say, the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. His expectations was on the Lord. He knew its the Lord who changed the season. Not his wisdom, wealth or warriorhood, just God. His expectancy was in God’s plan.

Let it be your prayer today that God prepare my heart. Prepare my heart for the people I will meet today. Prepare my heart for the work i will embark on today. Prepare my heart for the schemes of the evil one. The answers you search for are in the heart. Acknowledge that “the human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the Lord , search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.” (Jeremiah 17:9‭-‬10 NLT)

Feel free to drop your thoughts in the comment box. God bless and continue to persue the Kingdom of God. Be expectant of a move of God wherever you are.

The downfall of man

So today as I was reading the news, I read of the real dolls. My curiosity begged me to know the function of these dolls. Are they like the dolls soon I’ll have to buy my daughter or they possess much mystery. I wanted to know their purpose, what they look like, who the target market is. With adrenaline pumping, my eyes were shocked with the advancement of human technology. These dolls possess the same traits as those of a man and woman. In addition they even have moods and can be modified to do whatever you want them to be. Wait it doesn’t stop there; these dolls can talk. If you someone whose insecure about your skin and get spots and rash like me… This robots are the perfect ordeal. Yes, you read it right. Of course am just a hater of robots some might be thinking. But these robots are created for pleasure. Things that your wife, husband, friends is not willing to do, created also to be perfect sex mate. One that has a body that can be modifies to what you want. Reading this, I realized humans soon will be fired from the earth they claim to have built in the name of science.

But to the people of Earth who still believe “in the beginning God”, do you know Genesis 1:2 is a prophecy also of our day. So many of us think Genesis 1:2 finished with God, but now… it’s us who have to speak light into our community. Speak life into our generation, through Christ who lives in us. For soon iRobot the movie will be a reality. There won’t be no need for you as humans. Same way you don’t need to walk anywhere anymore, you don’t have to hold a face to face conversation, even, the interaction with men and women has boiled down to apps and social media networks. You don’t have to get out of your house,  can order everything. Now the earth is formless. Now the earth is out of order. Now chaos roams in our neighborhoods. But also finally we are ignoring the change in the name of advancement. God bless us all.

Light: My Sheep

So, it’s been a while. Just because I haven’t been writing doesn’t mean the WORD has stopped. Some people think God isn’t God if you don’t worship him. But for a couple of months his taught me ‘the wind and waves still know his name’. He taught me to LOOK and LISTEN. Either you praise Him or not you are the products of the WORD. No matter what situation you are going through, hold on to him for the battle is not yours but the Lord. It may hurt right now but his still God and in control. Jesus calls us his sheep. Sheep will go everywhere for the good food, however, it’s only the shepherd who knows where the best food is. Sometimes He will let you eat grass that’s bad so that you know difference between good and bad. Jeremiah 12:6 “For even your [tribal] brothers and the household of your father, even they have dealt treacherously (unfaithfully) with you; Indeed they are [like a pack of hounds] howling after you. Do not believe them, although they may say kind words and promise you good things.” At the end of the end, it’s those who BELIEVE that have the right to be Called son and daughter of God. My Sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me.(John 10:27) Believers don’t need a platform to Believe, they just Believe. And the WORD became flesh. May the Grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ continue to lead you, as we walk and press toward the mark of our high calling. Continue to Love and Pray for your nation you are the LIGHT OF THE WORLD! 

Thank you DAD!!!


So it is father’s day…what makes a father? Is it the length of his age? Is the muscles and beard he possess? Is it the one look he gives you when his about to put you in order? Is he the keeper of order, Jeremiah 7:11 say Has this house, which is called by My Name, become a den of robbers in your eyes [a place of retreat for you between acts of violence]? Behold, I Myself have seen it,” says the Lord. A father is the author of protection. Genesis called a father the GROUND!!! The ground produces everything on this planet!!! Through it’s seed, the EARTH lives in harmony and peace!!! For from the Dust, a MEN came…without the SUN (SON) where could we be. Today I stand in amazement saying am a representation of my FATHER…I have his pathogens flowing. On this father’s day, DAD you are the best!!! Thank you for trusting in GOD, who indeed has given you the insight on how to provide!!! Unlike the other nine leppers who didn’t come back to say thank you to Jesus after healing them…Thank you old man for being MY SHIELD, PROVIDER, STEERER and Above all, A FATHER. Ephesians 6:2-3 says Honor [esteem, value as precious] your father and your mother[and be respectful to them]—this is the first commandment with a promise— so that it may be well with you, and that you may have a long life on the earth. Grace and mercy continue to follow you! AMEN!

The word: Who are you?

Playing lip frog between Christianity is the life style many are used to. Some even moved from countries of residence. ‘The Lord has elevated us they say’. The word says do not forget the ways of your mother for they bring life. However, how can you talk wisdom of a mother you didn’t know? Dual citizens many say, “have a red passport now”    “am half“…However the Bible says we are just passing by the earth is not our home. FROM THE DUST WE CAME AND THE DUST WE GO. Reading the books of Ecclesiastes 1,2  they state the love of this Kingdom. Talk of wisdom, pleasure and toil!!! However don’t you know all this is meaningless for you are just going to die and leave it. Where does your inheritance go when you die? Where does the wisdom, pleasure and toil reside. Books of psalms goes further to say some trust in HORSES and CHARIOTS. However the question remains where do they go after? My children perish Because of lack of knowledge. Many you have knowledge of a kingdom that doesn’t belong to you. Zechariah 4:6 says for  its not by might nor by power but by the Spirit. God is the Spirit. Many say greater is He that is in me than the one in the world, but do you know is also He is the sustainer of life it self. You talk of the ULTRAVIOLET (UV) which produces a form of air called Ozone (where you get oxygen) which all can’t live by. Ask yourself how does a ‘big bang’ create perfection. A bang according to the dictionary strike or put down (something) forcefully and noisily. WHY DO I SEE PERFECTION? Whose air are you breathing? We sing “this is the air I breathe” however do you know whose air you breath. Many wanted this day, however they couldn’t make it. We say “this is my daily bread”. Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone however by the WORD. Which word are you living according to? DUAL CITIZENS? Whenever there are two you will always reach a point of picking? HOW CAN YOU SAVE TWO MASTERS? Who do you live for? WHY ARE YOU STILL BREATHING!!! WHAT MAKES YOU PECULIAR?

LIVING BREATHING MIRACLES: it’s not by Coincidence!!

Guys we made it, LIVING BREATHING MIRACLES!!! Half way through the year now🎉 This is our month of fasting and praying. Feel free to fast as the Spirit leads Isaiah 8:6-7 “Now therefore, listen carefully, the Lord is about to bring on them the waters of the [Euphrates] River, strong and abundant—
The king of Assyria and all his glory;
And it will rise over all its channels and canals and go far beyond its banks.” Your hunger right now should be for God. Chase him up, get to know why He keeping you. Draw neigh to God and He will draw neigh to you!!! 1 Corinthians 8:7  However, not all [believers] have this knowledge. But some, being accustomed [throughout their lives] to [thinking of] the idol until now [as real and living], still eat food as if it were sacrificed to an idol; and because their conscience is weak, it is defiled (guilty, ashamed). Which food are you eating? Word of God or man? Remember in God there no guilt and shame. lnfact the Bible says in the house of God there’s fullness of Joy!!! Your body is a house of God, whats your residence like? This month something has to change. Can’t be an anonymous breathing living miracle. ACTS 2:22 signs and wonders follows!!! Signs and wonders in education, work, family, friend etc. You are of a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD(1 PETER 2;9) Join in the fire guys!!! DON’T BE LEFT BEHIND. JEREMIAH 12:5 [The Lord rebukes Jeremiah for his impatience, saying] “If you have raced with men on foot and they have tired you out, Then how can you compete with horses? If you fall down in a land of peace [where you feel secure], Then how will you do [among the lions] in the [flooded] thicket beside the Jordan?” My race is to be living in the NOW. Don’t let your last year, last month, yesterday be your Now!!  Rise your STANDARD!!! NOW IS THAT SEASON!!!

Architect Of Words: The Journey Starts

For weeks I searched for WORDS. WORDS that describes the FEELINGS, THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS, GLOW AND above all HIS MERCIES. WORDS!!!! Profoundly and surely HIS WORD is like a double edged sword. Indeed, it does separate the bone from the marrow. With WORDS alone, my soul and body separates as His living water take over. INVASION MY PAST CRIES!!! My mind alone can’t stand his power. My soul now cries JEHOVAH. Jehovah Jireh he says!! THE PROVIDER. JEHOVAH SHALOM he say!!! For all he know now is Peace. WORDS DID THIS! The ARCHITECT HIMSELF HAS HUMBLED HIMSELF! Bruh…for me. WHAT IS A MAN THAT HE LOVES SOO MUCH. 7482.5 days of LIES. All it took was A WORD. How do you perceive the word? Maybe this Word is who you are. In this same WORD, mystery unravel. Are you willing to know what the WORD says about you? IN the BEGINNING  was WORD, and the WORD was with GOD, and the WORD was GOD(JOHN 1:1). And the WORD became FLESH. Am I THE MYSTERY? AM I THE REPRESENTATION of my ARCHITECT? AM I THE ARCHITECT OF WORDS?

Check it out

When faced with bad situations as people we always runs to the solution that is easy. We create a defensive mechanism, since we have been hurt a lot by our loved ones. What matters is what you do when you reach that point? Do you give up or do you keep trying? Bible says humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up (James 4:10). However when you look at Jeremiah 13:13 ‘Thus says the Lord, “Behold, I am about to fill with drunkenness all the people of this land, even the kings who sit on David’s throne, the priests, the prophets and all the people of Jerusalem’. Let highlight the word ABOUT. This means something is nearly occurring. However, if you quit now how do you if anything good is going to happen. After the rain there’s always a rainbow. I know it’s FRIDAY the 13th however what are you doing about it. Are you changing the circumstance or you living the circumstance. Continue to pray for each other, love one another. 1 JOHN 4:1 read the word, Live the word. It’s not by might nor by power however it’s by the SPIRIT THUS SAYS THE LORD. Love you all always. ANESU.

Which one are you: Theist or Atheist

Happy Passover: Day 13

Proverbs 29:11 say a [shortsighted] fool always loses his temper and displays his anger, but a wise man [uses self-control and] holds it back. Life is divided between two in everything. Male and female. Boy and Girl. Yes or No. Theist or Atheist. Rich or Poor. Think you get the gist. Opening verse talks of the actions of the fool and the wise. The proverb explains the fool as shortsighted. Meaning that they only believe the thing that they can see. Their mind cannot explore further than the natural. Supernatural to them is the TV. TV is soo supernatural before the programme start they say “PLEASE DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME” etc. Being in the natural world everyone am sure we tried those wrestling moves from WWE (if you haven’t you missed out on a great childhood. Noo am not saying go try it now🙈). However as kids this was our way of seeing which part of the show was real of fake. Many stayed at the commentary since taking part wasn’t for them they are just better being spectators. The hypocrites in other words. The people that cannot do what’s happening in the ring however they speak of what’s in the ring. Remember there’s only two types of people in the world; those who can and cannot. Can’t be in the middle. Either you can wrestle or you can’t!!! Either CHRISTIAN or NOT. This is the same with Christianity you can’t be just a spectator. You can’t call yourself a Christian if the only thing from the Christian family you DO is read the Bible. Also you have to apply what you have read. To Christians the Bible is our guide. It’s like taking a person of another race whose never spoke English in their entire life and expecting them speak English. That’s FOOLISHNESS!!! You have to teach them the basics; talk of the Hello and the meaning, where you can use hello, where you cannot etc. This is like the Bible you will remain a non believe if you don’t apply the word. Bibles says in Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge [of My law, where I reveal My will]. Because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.” It’s like the prodigal son who claims the will from the father just for his own good. However the father is saying I want you to multiply so that you can be rich and distinctive. However because of foolishness all you see is that party coming round,  that dress you been longing for instead of investing in the car you need, house etc.  BECAUSE OF LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!!! This gets passed on from generation to generation, you will always be slaves to money since you investing in the wrong business. With wisdom that’s when you can say NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME WILL PROSPER!! With wisdom you know YOU ARE THE HEAD AND NOT THE TAIL. However you don’t just reach here guys. You fight battles first then when you constantly winning you can say NO WEAPON!!!  Anyway guys God bless you…Carry on to pray for me as I pray for you all. Pray for one another. Greatest commandment is love one another!!! Ask for the holy spirit to direct you and help you discern. DONT FORGET TO INVITE HIM. Or your prayer is in vain. REMEMBER HIS THE WAY TO JESUS. Don’t quench him. Anywho remember 1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit [speaking through a self-proclaimed prophet]; instead test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world. Amen!!


The posts I send are my journey through the last four months of me knowing Christ. I am a 20 year old who thought I was useless. 20 years I had gone to church however not known Christ. Everyone around me would be crying at the mention of Jesus except me. I always use to think they got no better things to cry for…infact being young we’d look at who cried best. Church started turning into a fashion run way. Sunday was my red carpet day however was just so people can talk. Until 7 months ago, things started going south…all my usual help resources where vacant. Lost my friends, family and even couldn’t speak to my church as I was scared to be judged. At this point, one MAN, my ELDER took it as an advantage to feed me the word. Everyday he’d encourage me in the word. I just sat there, deep inside me I was saying “does this actually help”. However slowly the only friend I had turned into the WORD. This is my testimony it’s way more longer than this,  however, am just trying to encourage someone. You may look at me and say why does he love this God however I see his hand in my short lived 20years. The devil wanted me dead so many times car accidents, unknown sickness, drinking, clubbing etc you name it he tried. However God was saying “I have predestined you for greatness”. You of a PECULIAR and ROYAL PRIESTHOOD’!! He had faith in me when I myself had lost faith and hope. Where I thought my only ticket out of life was death. HE WAS MY STRENGTH, MY PROVIDER, MY HEALER,FATHER,  MOTHER, BROTHER, ADVISOR, MENTOR everything I am today is because of him. You can take away everything I have however as long as you leave me with MY ARCHITECT I will survive. For He is my refuge, my shield and my shepherd. I am nothing but his sheep. This is my story! If God is by my side whom shall I fear. Angels call him HOLY therefore who am I not to praise him every second am alive. The Elders say BLESSING and HONOUR be unto thee so who am I not to honour if my own Elders humble themselves. Everyday my soul will say YES. He held my every moment, he calmed my raging seas, walked with me through fire and healed all disease. So please tell me why I can’t TRUST in Him. As I said this is to encourage somebody. I don’t know who it’s for however remember THROUGH IT ALL IVE LEARNT TO TRUST IN GOD!!! His got you….he’ll never forsake you. Jeremiah 29:11 says I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you. Are you willing to wait? Through it all are you willing to wait…